Mariah Lundgren is an Environmental Studies graduate who minored in Fisheries and Wildlife.
When asked what she is doing after graduation she said, “Currently, I am the producer and project manager for the Platte Basin Timelapse project (PBT). PBT is a long term multi-media storytelling project that helps educate people on where their water comes from and what it means to live in a watershed, today. Conservation photographer, Mike Forsberg, and filmmaker, Mike Farrell hired me onto this project right after I graduated. I graduated with a BS in Environmental Studies and a Minor in Fisheries & Wildlife in December 2014.”
She went on to share what she enjoyed about the program and how it made an impact on her stating, “The community. Plain and simple. The ENVR department is relatively small, which ultimately allows students to become closer with their peers and professors on personal, and professional levels. Also, the passion each student has towards making this world a better place for our children is inspiring. When I was a student, I was fortunate enough to have Sara Cooper as my advisor. Sara was a beacon of light for the department. She helped me and others find their way to a career that they were not only qualified for but also passionate about. Without that one on one personal relationship I had with Sara, I would not be where I am today. Also, the diversity of classes that the department offers really allows students to explore the many different areas of the field one could go into after graduation. For me, I ended up going into the storytelling and science communication field, which was a direct result from a class I took in my undergrad.”
She also shared some positive experiences she has had in the field since graduation, “It has been almost five years since I have graduated, and at this point, I could write a book of positive experiences I have had since graduating. First, I cannot thank Mike Forsberg and Mike Farrell enough for mentoring me, encouraging me, and believing in me these past five years. Being a key member of their Platte Basin Timelapse project has changed my life and has opened my eyes to the world of conservation storytelling. This project has taken me all over Nebraska, Wyoming, and Colorado, which has made me gain an appreciation for my home watershed in a new way. I have been fortunate enough to participate in workshops with some of the industry’s best in Jackson Hole, Panama, and Washington DC. But most importantly, I am now a part of a community of storytellers who are all passionate about conservation issues in the Great Plains and the American West.”