Past Titles

Amazon Deforestation and Its Effect on Local Climate

Recyling attitudes and behaviors toward single-use plastics at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln: An Undergraduate Thesis

Examining the Psychology and Human Behavior of Sustainable Living: The Impact of Socioeconomic Status on Climate Change Education

Remediating Pesticide-Contaminated Beehives by Chemical Oxidation

Evaluating Biophilic Design Characteristics in Lincoln Public Schools

Off the Rails: Cinematic Trains as Technological Controls of the Natural World

Noise Pollution and its Effects on Human Mental and Physical Health

Analysis of Drinking Water Disinfection Options

Diversification of Angiosperms During the Cretaceous Period

Regenerative Agriculture’s Potential Carbon Storage in Nebraska Soils

Mitigation Strategies for Municipal Solid Waste Generation in Lincoln

Temporal and Spatial Interactions between Coyotes and Red Foxes along the Urban-Rural Interface

Planning Urban Forests in a Changing Climate

Future implications of extreme heat on public health for those living in Lincoln, Nebraska

Research poster for Monica Hergenrader and Stephanie Emodi

Religion and Environmental Worldviews
Monica Hergenrader and Stephanie Emodi, Religious Studies

Previous Thesis Advisers

Karina Schoengold,
Agricultural Economics

Heather Akin,
Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communication

Michael Kaiser,
Agronomy and Horticulture

Sam Wortman,
Agronomy and Horticulture

Aaron Mittelstet,
Biological Systems Engineering

John Hay,
Biological Systems Engineering

Siamek Nejati,
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

Julia Torquati,
Child, Youth, and Family Studies

Christine Haney,
College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources

Justin Kirk,
Communication Studies

Zhenghong Tang,
Community and Regional Planning

Jamie Shamrock,
Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

Thomas Lynch,

Judy Wu-Smart,

Hillary Mason,
Environmental and Sustainability Studies

Lory Dance,
Ethnic Studies and Sociology

Richard Sutton,
Landscape Architecture Program

Christina Brantner,
Modern Languages and Literatures

Sabine Zempleni,
Nutrition and Health Sciences

Anne Schutte,

Emira Ibrahimpasic,
School of Global Integrative Studies

Mark Burback,
School of Natural Resources

Michael Forsberg,
School of Natural Resources

Gwendwr Meredith,
School of Natural Resources

Regina Werum,

Anna Oetting,
Office of Sustainability