Student Advisory Committee

The Environmental Studies Student Advisory Committee exists to have a student’s perspective and input on many different aspects of the program. The Environmental Studies Program recognizes the importance of a student perspective on the management of the program so it will provide beneficial and rewarding learning experiences.

General duties of committee members include, but are not limited to, attending monthly meetings, assisting with outreach events, communicating with prospective students, and leading miscellaneous projects. Meetings are often dedicated to discussion of Environmental Studies core classes and recruitment, along with possible areas of growth for the program. You need to be a major or minor in the program to be a member of the committee.

If you are interested in being involved, please email unlenvironmentalstudies
for more information.

Allyson Barry

Allyson Barry

Majors: Environmental Studies, Political Science
Minor: Mathematics

My experiences with nature growing up instilled a passion to preserve our ecosystem for all. Majoring in Environmental Studies and Political Science enables me to gain a holistic understanding of potential legislative solutions that are desperately needed to provide a free and fair future for generations to come.

Ethan Gonzalez

Ethan Gonzalez

Major: Environmental Studies
Minor: Philosophy

I chose environmental studies because it sits on an interesting intersection of science, theory, and practicable application. In wanting to learn about how to preserve this planet for everyone I also want to learn about how to implement what I learn about in the classroom, and environmental studies is the best way to do that.

Maya Kaechele

Maya Kaechele

Major: Environmental Studies
Minors: Political Science, Public Policy Analysis Certificate

I chose to major in Environmental Studies because it’s such an interdisciplinary field; it combines so many of my interests, from political science and writing to environmental science, in a perfect blend of arts and sciences. There are so many paths within Environmental Studies and so many ways to make the major exactly what you want it to be.

Amelia Long

Amelia Long

Major: Environmental Studies
Emphasis: Natural Resources

I chose Environmental Studies as my major because it is dynamic and hands-on, and because I believe working to protect the environment is especially important today with the current climate crisis.

Emma McCormick

Emma McCormick

Major: Environmental Studies
Minor: Sociology

I chose my major because I have a passion for people, The Earth, the interactions between the two. The world has so much we can appreciate, and so much we need to improve on, and my major helps me to learn both.

Andrew Osborn

Andrew Osborn

Major: Environmental Studies
Minors: Fisheries and Wildlife, Environmental Education

I chose Environmental Studies because I want to be able to help other people experience the environment and because it is important to me that we conserve our environment and protect our planet.

Rachel Summers

Rachel Summers

Major: Environmental Studies (Pre-Law)
Minor: Undeclared

Growing up with everyone telling you that the planet is dying really gets one thinking about environmental policies pretty early on. I always had an interest in politics and government, so when I saw that there was a major where I could study more of the social/political aspect of the environment rather than just the science side, I knew it was something I wanted to do. I love learning about the way things interact and are connected, and environmental studies is a major for that.